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Ear Protection

We are suppliers of PPE Safety Products | Ear Protection | Ear Safety Products.

Our quality product ear plugs and ear muffs are ergonomically designedwhich gives comfortable feeling to the user.

We cater to the regions of Dubai, United Arab Emirates and all over the GCC Countries

  • Filters

Eyevex Ear Protection EEP 033C (Corded)
Corded Ear Plug


Eyevex Ear Protection EEP 033U (Uncorded)

Uncorded Ear Plug


Eyevex Ear Protection SEP 033S (Silicon)
Silicon Ear Plug


Eyevex Ear Protection EP 107
Ear Muff


Eyevex Ear Protection EP 167
Ear Muff


Eyevex Ear Protection EP 168
Ear Muff

Eyevex Ear Protection EP 108
Ear Muff

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We Supply our Products to the following Countries in this region

UAE  | Oman | Bahrain | Egypt | Kuwait | Saudi | Qatar | Iraq | Yemen | Jordan | Sri Lanka | Azerbaijan | Kazakhstan Africa | India
